Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Marathon 2 and 3!

It is now February and since my very first marathon I have completed two more. I got the marathon "bug" and went for it. I was told about Marathon Maniacs, in which you had many ways to join but the "easiest" is to do three marathons in three months so I stepped up to the challenge and did so. I did my second marathon in Bellingham, WA on New Year's Eve which was freezing the entire race. We actually ran mostly on a trail which I love rather than concrete. I did better on my time by just a few minutes finishing at 5:03. I was then on the hunt for marathon number 3 in January and could not find one in Washington. So a friend of mine and me decided to go visit her family outside the Bay Area, CA and do the Redding Marathon. This trip was a bit crazy but fun all in the same time. We took a late flight to Oakland on a Friday night and got in to her Father's around 1:00 am. We slept in a bit and had an awesome breakfast, blueberry pancakes! We drove around and enjoyed the Napa Valley area (we are doing a half iron man there in April) and then hit the hay around 9 pm. We woke up Sunday morning around 3:00 am and loaded the car and drove 2.5 hours to the marathon. We made it in plenty of time and we ran our race.

I was doing great in the beginning and the first 3-4 miles were all downhill. This downhill would have been nice at the end but oh well! There were some good hills right in the middle of the race. By mile 20 I started to crap up like I never have before. My friend took off which we do that if we are feeling great! I was cursing and praying all at the same time and just wanted to finish. The cramps in my legs would go away and then come right back. I fought this for the last 5.5 miles and as soon as I knew the finish line was near I had the burst of energy take over and sprinted across the finish line. I shaved 25 minutes off my last marathon which is huge and I cried due to the bitter sweet feelings I had. Bitter because I hurt so dam bad and sweet because I shaved so much time off.

After the race we climbed back into the car and drove the 2.5 hours back to her Father's house where we showered and ate some pizza. We had about an hour to rest and then off to the airport we went which was an hour drive and then a two hour flight back to Seattle. By the time I got home I had been up for 24 hours and a marathon under my belt.

Marathons are tough but so rewarding! I still believe a half iron man is easier than a marathon. There are so many thoughts that go through your head and the question of why do this to myself? Well in the end it is all clear and the feeling you have makes it all worth the pain and glory.

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