Monday, April 11, 2011

Mt. Si 50K

I have come to learn that there are three types of runners that enjoy competing. There may be more but I will describe the three in "my book". First, you have the elite or pro which are super fast people and you could never wrap your head around their finishing times and you are just amazed! Second, there are the people just under the elite and they are quite quick but not quick enough to be elite. Their finishing times are fast but within reason. Third, there are the recreational runners who enjoy registering for races but don't even think of staying after the race to see if they placed. They are just tickled to be there and finish without having to be carried out by volunteers or even the medical team.

I feel as though all three categories tend to go through the same emotions on race day. The anticipation of "how will I do?", "Will I be able to finish today without any injuries?" etc. As a runner you never know how good you are going to feel on race day. There are some days where I feel like I can't even run a 5K (3.1 Miles) and put in a 12 Miler. Other days I feel like I could run a marathon and come in after 30 minutes of running. You just never know what your body is in the mood for but that is where motivation comes in, to push ourselves past that comfort zone.

I am defiantly runner number three. I enjoy racing to 1. Have a great time, 2. Accomplish new personal records and distances. 3. Because I can! I never really considered myself a runner until last year when I broke my toe and was told I could not run. I felt as though someone just took my air away and I knew then, I was a runner.

This 50K was an awesome accomplishment for myself and I am very pleased with myself. I was worried about not being able to finish due to the lack of long distance running I had not been doing the last couple of months. Feb. 6Th I ran a marathon, end of Feb. I ran a half marathon (in TX), and a few weeks ago I ran 10 miles. All my other runs here and there were under 10 miles. Running is also a very mind over matter sport at times. If you tell yourself you can do it then you will be able to do it. Humans are built to run and run long distances, we have our own cooling system and the duration built within us, we just have to dig and find it because it is there. I was very fortunate to have one of my best friends with me while running my longest race ever. We do many runs together and is nice to know someone else is sharing the pain. "Misery loves company"! When we got to the race it was cold and wet. My friend was not feeling it and once we got our awesome shirts she was ready to hit the road and call it a day. She was kidding but really was not feeling it, me on the other hand was nervous and worried about how I would do. I had told many people that I was going to do this run so I was going to do it! The course was an out and back and uphill the first half. The climb was gradual and started at 400 feet and then reached 1,400 feet at the turn around point. After the turn around point it was a nice downhill which felt good on the different leg muscles.

Running 31 miles gives you alot of time to think, chit chat and just soak up the enjoyment of running. My friend and I ran side by side the entire way and there were many times we were silent. Even though we wouldn't talk at times it was nice knowing she was next to me doing the same 31 miles. The chit chat was helpful to get our minds off some of the pain and some good laughs were involved as well. I told her it was better to be laughing at ourselves than crying. We crossed the finish line together and had completed our 31 miles in 6 hours and 43 minutes. My husband, Brian was at the finish line taking pictures and then gave me a huge hug and said he was very proud of me. It means alot having him at the finish line and I really do appreciate his patience with all my races. Thanks baby! I am now a triathlete, marathoner and ultra (small end of the ultra) runner. If you would of asked me if any of this was possible years ago, I would have laughed and said you were crazy! Dream and it will come true!

1 comment:

  1. I <3 to run quote: .Your biggest challenge isn't someone else. It's the ache in your lungs and the burning in your legs, and the voice inside you that yells "CAN'T", but you don't listen. You just push harder. And then you hear the voice whisper "can". And you discover that the person you thought you were is no match for the one you really are.
