Saturday, October 16, 2010

Marathon Training.....Odds & Ends

I've been pretty busy since the last time I wrote, it's now mid October. The training has been coming along nicely and I'm proud of the outcome thus far. I trained for the Honolulu marathon last year and couldn't get past 15 miles so I gave up! I thought running this far was just not in the cards for me. Well I have a goal, in two years I want to complete an Iron Man Triathlon. The Iron Man consists of a 2.1 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and finishing with a marathon of 26.2 miles. With this being said I wanted to complete a marathon by itself first to even know what that feels like.

I've been training for the Seattle Marathon since August. I have completed all my runs during the week and my long runs on Saturdays with the group. Last week was my biggest week and we ran 18 miles. I was worried how I would feel but pushed through it and actually felt really great once I finished. At mile 9 or so it began to rain and never stopped but hey, I live in Washington, enough said. This was good training because who knows what the weather will be like in November besides cold!

I've been on more hikes and have enjoyed the trails so much. The fall here is absolutely breath taking. The color change and the crisp cool air doesn't get any better than this.

I've made some great friends from my running and hiking group. They keep me going while Brian is away and I'm grateful for that. Not only are we active but food and cocktails following to celebrate our awesome accomplishments either summiting the top of a mountain or running our furthest runs.