Friday, October 30, 2009

8 Miles Accomplished

Well last Thursday, October 22ND I ran 8 miles with a co-worker and half of it was up hill. It was not as bad as I thought and helps to have someone run with you. We ran on Schofield Army Base and the scenery was beautiful. Very little traffic and it felt good just to do it and conquer it! So here it is, over a week and i now have 10 miles staring me in the face. I have until this Sunday to accomplish it. Being that it is Friday morning and I'm about to head to work, I won't be running today and I work half a day tomorrow so tomorrow doesn't look to great either. That leaves Sunday morning! My friend I'm running the half marathon with will be here Monday, November 2ND and we will be tapering our runs.

I feel as though I am in pretty good shape and will do just fine with a few aches and pains afterwards but running with my friend those 13.2 miles will be fun anyway no matter how painful it may be in the end! Included is an old picture of my friend that is coming and me.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Running Status

Okay so I've missed all my long runs and I'm feeling the pressure. A co-worker said she would run with me Thursday and I'm taking her up on it. It's something past 5 miles that is so unmotivating doing myself. My friend will be here in two weeks so I better get my butt in gear. I'm doing speed work on the treadmill, some racquetball, golf here and there, cross fit and P90X but darn those long runs. Hopefully Thursday will be a good long run, Lord knows I need it.

Teaching Yoga

I received a certificate to teach yoga and I had my first practice class Sunday, October 18th for my friends. They were so supportive and with out them I would have not been ready for my real class on Monday, October 19th at the gym. I felt that I did very well for my first real class. After class many of the participants came up to me and told me how much they enjoyed my class and wished that I could teach the Friday class as well. That made me feel really good and I look forward to teaching many more classes in the future.

October 20, 2009 2 Year Wedding Anniversary

Brian and I celebrated our two year anniversary on Saturday, October 17th by riding ATVs at Kualoa Ranch ( where they filmed Lost, 50 First Dates, Jurassic Park and many more movies. We took a two hour tour and had a blast enjoying the beautiful scenery. We had dinner at an Italian Wine Bar where we enjoyed a bottle of wine and appetizers. We ended our night at the Bare Foot Bar at the Hale Koa where we stayed the night with an awesome ocean view. The next morning we went to breakfast at Eggs n Things and then relaxed by the pool at the hotel. It was an awesome celebration and we both had a wonderful time.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Past Weekend.....Not to Good

Last Friday I was suppose to do my long run but failed to do so. Golf came first but had a really good time with my friends and had my second best game yet. Something to say about that or maybe an excuse. Saturday I received a certification in water aerobics which was okay but nothing too exciting. Sunday was a lazy day and just ran some errands. Monday was Columbus Day which we both had off from work. Brian and I did some light hill work on the bikes at AMR which is a 3 mile loop of some really good hills. I will have to take Brian more often, we completed 1.5 loops plus some through the neighborhood and then he was done. My honey does not like hills much but they are a great workout. We then hit the driving range and I hit some really good balls, let's see if I can take that to the golf course next time.

Tuesday is back at work day and I picked up on my running schedule. I did my 3 miles and they felt good along with a P90X workout with my friend. Today is Wednesday and I have my 5 mile speed work ahead of me which I enjoy and then playing racquetball with another friend. Work is getting a bit crazy so hopefully it doesn't mess up my training too much!

Again all this running and planning is for you, Cori. Love ya!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I got my run in today!

I woke up this morning happy that I didn't need to be at work at the crack ass of dawn. I had a wonderful breakfast and took my time getting to work. We are moving gyms so our gym can get a new roof so it took the trainers until about 11:00. My honey and I met for some racquetball (I always lose, for now!) and then headed home for some healthy lunch. Knowing I have three clients this evening, I'm trying to decide when I'm going to do my 5 mile run. Low and behold one of my clients cancels so bingo, there is my one hour I have open and I couldn't miss this opportunity. I head to work and train my first client and then bee hived for the cardio room.

I had the usual on: heart rate monitor, IPOD and running clothing of course. The treadmill said I had just short of 5 miles to go when I checked my IPOD it said 5.44 miles. Well dammit, I couldn't just stop the treadmill right there, I had to finish to 5 miles (an OCD problem I have w/ the electronics, gotta finish on an even number even my heart rate monitor. My face was beet red due to the serious lack of air flow (no A/C) and the fan circulating hot air but I did it and was pleased that I fit it in today.

Pictures included today are from the Honolulu Century Ride I did with my honey and friends a couple Sundays ago. We rode 50 miles and had a blast! The weather was awesome and no one got hurt!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Darn I missed a day!

So I did my first "longer" miles Friday, October 2 and did well. Saturday and Sunday roll around and I have a ten hour course to complete for yoga, which was awesome and I'm very excited about teaching others. On Sunday morning before my yoga class I completed a sprint triathlon and came in 3rd place (in my age group)!!!! Finally, I received a medal and I am thrilled to death about it. I've been training really hard all year and it has finally paid off! I'm not giving up though, I still would love to have 2ND and even 1st place but I am living in the moment now with third.

Okay back to 1/2 marathon. So Monday comes fast and I'm suppose to run 5 miles, according to my program. I go to work at 5:30 am and done with my second client by 8:30. I am beat so I head to the commissary for some fuel (groceries) and then go home to lie in bed for several hours (it felt good and guilty all at the same time). I did some things around the house and then headed back to work so basically there were no miles to be run today.

Tuesday I feel myself again so I stick to my plan and ran my 3 miles. Along with my
P90X training, ab work and that is it! I'm a little sad that I missed out on Monday but I've got to look ahead and plan to accomplish the future runs and not dwell on the past runs!

Today is 5 miles and it's 8:00am, yes, I will get these in and tune back tomorrow for results!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Preparing for a Half-Marathon

As of today I have exactly 37 days to be ready for a half marathon. I have a friend coming to visit me here in Hawaii from Virgina and she would like to run a half marathon while she is here. Yes, I am very active and this should not be a problem for me you say? Well I ran 5 miles last week and that was the last time I ran. Today I set my program up in preparation of this race. I must stick to it and keep myself motivated. Maybe I need to read my blog about motivation. Running is one activity I enjoy but only on certain days so this will be a bit challenging for me. I will stick to the plan and hope for the best. My long runs are scheduled for Fridays so wish me luck!

I am excited about running this race with my friend. I've run one 5k with friends since I have been here and so far it's been 2.5 years. I hope we have a good time and enjoy the run. May the training begin!