Monday, September 12, 2011

Newport, OR Marathon June 2011

Didn't think I was a "runner", I just knew I enjoyed it. So here I am on Marathon #4 and my first Marathon was November 2010 with a time of 5:34. I now classify myself as a runner! I took my time on my first Marathon because I had no idea what to expect. It was in Seattle and the course was very nice. It was also in November so it was in the 40's-50"s the entire way. My second Marathon was on New Year's Eve and it never reach above freezing. It was also mostly trail which I enjoyed. My muscles started to ache half way through due to such cold temperature but I finished with a time of 5:25. Then there was my third Marathon in Redding, CA and I was a little nervous because it would be my warmest one yet. It was two weeks after my second Marathon which was in January and this made me even more nervous because there wasn't much time between the two. I really wanted to run the entire way but you never know how you are going to feel. I did great for the first 20 miles and then cramped up so bad that the last six miles soon became a walk run interval finishing at 5:05.

So here comes number 4 and my main goal is to finish under 5 hours and try to run the entire course. I started out feeling really good and just a few miles past the half way point I began to tire and not feeling my best. This was now my hottest race and was in Newport, OR first part of June. I did enjoy the heat and was happy not to have two or three layers of clothing. My honey was there on his bike the entire way taking photos of me and Stacey. This was really cool to have him there and pictures along the way for free!

At mile 20 I kept going back and forth with this older man. I kept jogging/running as he would walk/run. I would tell him only 6 miles to go then 3 to go as I kept running and glancing at my Garmin wondering how in the heck I was doing this. I kept going back and forth in my head I need to walk and then I would say no keep going. This lasted the last 3-4 miles and pushed all the way to the end, running the entire course and finishing with a time of 4:34. I couldn't believe I shaved 35 minutes off my last Marathon and was thrilled to death. I was so happy and the beer right after never tasted oh so good!

Napa Valley Vintage Half Iron Man April 2011

Going into this triathlon I didn't feel quite as ready as I did for my first. I felt confident in my running and swimming training but the bike was lacking. I was pretty confident that I could at least finish but wishing I had been a bit more prepared.

Stacey and I left Washington Thursday morning for the 13 hour drive down to Napa. It was a nice drive and perfect time of year. We arrived and got a good night's sleep that night. Friday appeared and Stacey and I just relaxed in downtown Napa. Mind you I haven't have a drink of alcohol in several weeks in preparation for this race so touring Napa was somewhat difficult with all the wonderful wineries around. We did go into one where I sipped a few but that was it! Napa is such an awesome town and would love to go back to spend more time and of course sample more wines! Friday night we went to Outback, funny two vegetarians sitting in a steakhouse but they have the best salmon and sweet potatoes which is an awesome prerace dinner.

Saturday morning rolls around and we are up at o dark thirty with jitters and all. We make it to the race site which was at Lake Berryessa and oh my was it rough! I didn't realize just how rough and cold it was until I had to swim in it. The first 15 minutes was the worst! I could barley put my face in the water due to the cold temp of the water and I hadn't swam in rough waters in awhile. After I wanted to cry and or quit I gathered my thoughts and focused on my swim. I told myself to get over it and start swimming! I fought through and learned very quickly how to keep the water out of my face each time I came up for air. I didn't let the white caps nor the temperature of the water stop me, I was going to finish this and I did (1.2 mile)!

The bike portion was next and although it was very beautiful but extremely hilly. I just enjoyed the scenery and peddled as hard and fast as my legs could go. I was lucky and had no flats and everything went smoothly.

Finally after 56 miles of biking I came back to transition into my run. I changed my shoes quickly and set off to run 13.1 miles. There were some rolling hills again but I just kept on going. My run felt great and did not stop once! It was an out and back course which we had to do twice. These types of runs can be a bit boring but at least you know what is ahead for your second loop.

After swimming 1.2 mile, biking 56 and running 13.1 my final time was 7.5 hours. I was pleased that I finished and got through that horrible swim. I knew I wasn't 100% ready for this race but as always I had a great time and again challenged my body the way I enjoy challenging it! I tried jumping in the lake to cool off but it was so darn cold I could only get in up to my knees!