Monday, December 28, 2009

Upcoming Training

It's almost a new year and my has it flown by. I'm looking forward to the new year. My husband and I will be transfering in April and I will be training the next four months for a half ironman (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride finishing up with a 13.2 mile run) in Texas. I'm getting really excited about the training but I also know it will be hard work and dedication. I will start training January 4th and my first week will consist of three thousand yards of swimming, sixty-five miles on the bike and 12 miles of running with one day off! I enjoy these work-outs and what is really exciting is finishing the race knowing how hard I will have worked. Stay tuned for training updates!

Pictures of Trail Run

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Half Marathon Trail Run in Hawaii

First of all, I convienced two of my friends to do this run with me. One did the 5K Tour Walk and the other did the 10K. We all three arrived at the run and the scenery was just beautiful. We got everything in order by grabbing some gels and water before the race. I wasn't feeling a 100% that day and contiplated if i should do the 10K with my friend but I wanted to see the "bigger" trail so I told myself to get it together and be ready for a 13.2 mile trail run.

The gun goes off and we are off! It hasn't even been a half mile and already we are running straight up, crazy I thought. It got a bit easier and I was crusing along enjoying being out in nature looking at the mountains and ocean. By mile 6 and 7 I was feeling a bit fatigue due to the monster hills we had to run. I began noticing that another runnner and I were going the same pace and when she stopped I would stop and so forth. This went on for about two more miles and finally I asked her what her name was. She replied and from that moment on we agreed to finish togteher. The farthest she had ever run was nine miles and no trails so I knew this would be a chanllenge not only for myself but her as well.

We finally make it to the very top of the mountain which was mile eleven and there was a small drink station which I kept calling them mountain angels because they were deep into the trails with water, gatorade and gels. The "mountain angel" told us we could see the finish line once we got over the mountain. He was correct and my body then wanted to go for it and finish the race. My new friend did not feel the same way and had to walk some and do a light jog. I kept her motivated and told her only to stop and walk only if an emergency and that it would be over soon. She did great and did just that. The finish line could not have come sooner but we finished together as we sprinted across the finish line.

That was the most difficult but beautiful trail run i had ever run in my life. I am so glad I did the 13.2 miles and met someone that helped me and that I could help as well.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Next Race

My friend is gone and it has been back to work and such. I recently signed up for another half marathon but this time it is a trail run in the mountains. I am very excited about this one, I've never dona a trail race before much less trained in the mountains as well. I did my first trail run last week and the altitude was a slap in the face so I ran most of the 5 miles but had to walk some of the "up" parts. The views from this trail run/hike is beautiful. The actual hike is 15 miles long but the first 2.5 miles in is a nice trail to run along. The race is an Xterra Trail Run; so go to the website and check it out. The race is going to be held on Sunday, December 6. The pictures posted here are of my trail run that I will be tackling a few more times like today.

Race Day

November 8, 2209 was the half marathon for my friend and I. We woke up around 4am and got ourselves ready and headed to the race. It was about a 30 min. drive so we had plenty time to wake up a bit more and do a little chit chatting before the race. We finally get there and we both had to use the restroom really bad and of course the line is way out to tim buck too! As we leave the restroom we come to find out the start gun had already gone off so we began our run and we started at the end of the pack. That was okay because we were not trampled by hundreds of people. It was still dark when we started and being able to watch the sun come up was a beautiful sight; especially on the East side of the island. I felt pretty good going into the race but my poor friend on the other hand was getting over being really sick. Each hill we came up to, I thought oh dear here comes a hill but rather I was cruising up very nicely. Instead of looking back for my friend I would hear her cough here and there so I knew she was not far behind me. The course went through a beautiful neighborhood and also along the beach, which my friend enjoyed the new scenery as well as I did! After 13.2 miles we reach the finish line at 2:22 and both very happy to have gotten to run together. I enjoyed having her with me all the way, it was nice to run with a friend. After the race we went back home to enjoy fresh fish tacos, football, friends and some ice cold beer. I will miss running with you, friend!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

One More Day Until Race Day

My friend and her husband arrived Monday, October 2nd and it was great seeing them safe and sound. We just hung out Monday and caught up on old times. Tuesday, October 3rd was our deep sea fishing expedition which left me throwing up three times and remaining in the horizontal position for roughly ten hours. While getting up to see all the excitement (caching a fish) I hurled once more on the side of the boat, but glad we finally caught a fish. It was my friend's husband that caught the fish which made me very happy. Although I was sea sick it was kind of nice to just lie down and relax and do absolutely nothing. Wednesday, October 4th, my friend and I do our first run together in preparation for the half marathon. We did five miles and my friend did great, due to the fact she is getting over bronchitis. Thursday, October 5th I took my friend and her husband on a hike to some beautiful waterfalls. We then stayed the night in Wakiki and have a nice and relaxing evening. Friday, October 6th we did a small run, hiked Diamond Head, and then hit the surf. They did great and had a really nice time on the waves. They got up a little but are ready for some more. Today is Saturday, October 7th and we are preparing for our swap meet shopping and our pontoon boat adventure. We will have a nice relaxing day in preparation for tomorrows' race.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

10 Miles Completed!

Last night I kept waking up and the first thought that would pop into my head was "I must run 10 miles tomorrow morning"! By 5:30am I was tired of this thought racing through my head over and over again. I got up, ate a piece of toast and had some coffee (caffeine goooooood!). I headed out by 6:45am and the first mile was a nice warm up. The second and third were a bit sluggish but by the fourth mile I had my rhythm and groove kickin. I felt strong and enjoyed the music that was coming out of my IPOD. It amazes me what music does to the speed of my run but then again I still had six more miles to go so didn't want to rush it. I ran through my neighborhood and then got onto Ft. Weaver (some may know this road) where I got close to the hospital and didn't need to visit, just my turn around point. I was happy to be 1/2 finished and knowing I was closing the gap. I also found the smells along the way very interesting. I smelled flowers, the early morning, people cooking breakfast and my favorite smell was the do-nuts coming from the 7-11. I never eat do-nuts but if one was in front of my face at that time, I would have jogged on eating it with no remorse. Mile six and seven were good as well and felt confident I could run all the way! By mile eight the knees began to bug a little and my left heel felt uncomfortable as well but I kept on going knowing I only had 2 more miles to go. My goal time to finish was 2 hours and looking down at my watch I had plenty time to beat that. I picked up the pace for the last mile and a half and finished in 1:47. I was pleased of the time and that the run was over.

This coming week is a taper week but a week from today is the 1/2 marathon. I'm looking forward to it!

Friday, October 30, 2009

8 Miles Accomplished

Well last Thursday, October 22ND I ran 8 miles with a co-worker and half of it was up hill. It was not as bad as I thought and helps to have someone run with you. We ran on Schofield Army Base and the scenery was beautiful. Very little traffic and it felt good just to do it and conquer it! So here it is, over a week and i now have 10 miles staring me in the face. I have until this Sunday to accomplish it. Being that it is Friday morning and I'm about to head to work, I won't be running today and I work half a day tomorrow so tomorrow doesn't look to great either. That leaves Sunday morning! My friend I'm running the half marathon with will be here Monday, November 2ND and we will be tapering our runs.

I feel as though I am in pretty good shape and will do just fine with a few aches and pains afterwards but running with my friend those 13.2 miles will be fun anyway no matter how painful it may be in the end! Included is an old picture of my friend that is coming and me.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Running Status

Okay so I've missed all my long runs and I'm feeling the pressure. A co-worker said she would run with me Thursday and I'm taking her up on it. It's something past 5 miles that is so unmotivating doing myself. My friend will be here in two weeks so I better get my butt in gear. I'm doing speed work on the treadmill, some racquetball, golf here and there, cross fit and P90X but darn those long runs. Hopefully Thursday will be a good long run, Lord knows I need it.

Teaching Yoga

I received a certificate to teach yoga and I had my first practice class Sunday, October 18th for my friends. They were so supportive and with out them I would have not been ready for my real class on Monday, October 19th at the gym. I felt that I did very well for my first real class. After class many of the participants came up to me and told me how much they enjoyed my class and wished that I could teach the Friday class as well. That made me feel really good and I look forward to teaching many more classes in the future.

October 20, 2009 2 Year Wedding Anniversary

Brian and I celebrated our two year anniversary on Saturday, October 17th by riding ATVs at Kualoa Ranch ( where they filmed Lost, 50 First Dates, Jurassic Park and many more movies. We took a two hour tour and had a blast enjoying the beautiful scenery. We had dinner at an Italian Wine Bar where we enjoyed a bottle of wine and appetizers. We ended our night at the Bare Foot Bar at the Hale Koa where we stayed the night with an awesome ocean view. The next morning we went to breakfast at Eggs n Things and then relaxed by the pool at the hotel. It was an awesome celebration and we both had a wonderful time.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Past Weekend.....Not to Good

Last Friday I was suppose to do my long run but failed to do so. Golf came first but had a really good time with my friends and had my second best game yet. Something to say about that or maybe an excuse. Saturday I received a certification in water aerobics which was okay but nothing too exciting. Sunday was a lazy day and just ran some errands. Monday was Columbus Day which we both had off from work. Brian and I did some light hill work on the bikes at AMR which is a 3 mile loop of some really good hills. I will have to take Brian more often, we completed 1.5 loops plus some through the neighborhood and then he was done. My honey does not like hills much but they are a great workout. We then hit the driving range and I hit some really good balls, let's see if I can take that to the golf course next time.

Tuesday is back at work day and I picked up on my running schedule. I did my 3 miles and they felt good along with a P90X workout with my friend. Today is Wednesday and I have my 5 mile speed work ahead of me which I enjoy and then playing racquetball with another friend. Work is getting a bit crazy so hopefully it doesn't mess up my training too much!

Again all this running and planning is for you, Cori. Love ya!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I got my run in today!

I woke up this morning happy that I didn't need to be at work at the crack ass of dawn. I had a wonderful breakfast and took my time getting to work. We are moving gyms so our gym can get a new roof so it took the trainers until about 11:00. My honey and I met for some racquetball (I always lose, for now!) and then headed home for some healthy lunch. Knowing I have three clients this evening, I'm trying to decide when I'm going to do my 5 mile run. Low and behold one of my clients cancels so bingo, there is my one hour I have open and I couldn't miss this opportunity. I head to work and train my first client and then bee hived for the cardio room.

I had the usual on: heart rate monitor, IPOD and running clothing of course. The treadmill said I had just short of 5 miles to go when I checked my IPOD it said 5.44 miles. Well dammit, I couldn't just stop the treadmill right there, I had to finish to 5 miles (an OCD problem I have w/ the electronics, gotta finish on an even number even my heart rate monitor. My face was beet red due to the serious lack of air flow (no A/C) and the fan circulating hot air but I did it and was pleased that I fit it in today.

Pictures included today are from the Honolulu Century Ride I did with my honey and friends a couple Sundays ago. We rode 50 miles and had a blast! The weather was awesome and no one got hurt!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Darn I missed a day!

So I did my first "longer" miles Friday, October 2 and did well. Saturday and Sunday roll around and I have a ten hour course to complete for yoga, which was awesome and I'm very excited about teaching others. On Sunday morning before my yoga class I completed a sprint triathlon and came in 3rd place (in my age group)!!!! Finally, I received a medal and I am thrilled to death about it. I've been training really hard all year and it has finally paid off! I'm not giving up though, I still would love to have 2ND and even 1st place but I am living in the moment now with third.

Okay back to 1/2 marathon. So Monday comes fast and I'm suppose to run 5 miles, according to my program. I go to work at 5:30 am and done with my second client by 8:30. I am beat so I head to the commissary for some fuel (groceries) and then go home to lie in bed for several hours (it felt good and guilty all at the same time). I did some things around the house and then headed back to work so basically there were no miles to be run today.

Tuesday I feel myself again so I stick to my plan and ran my 3 miles. Along with my
P90X training, ab work and that is it! I'm a little sad that I missed out on Monday but I've got to look ahead and plan to accomplish the future runs and not dwell on the past runs!

Today is 5 miles and it's 8:00am, yes, I will get these in and tune back tomorrow for results!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Preparing for a Half-Marathon

As of today I have exactly 37 days to be ready for a half marathon. I have a friend coming to visit me here in Hawaii from Virgina and she would like to run a half marathon while she is here. Yes, I am very active and this should not be a problem for me you say? Well I ran 5 miles last week and that was the last time I ran. Today I set my program up in preparation of this race. I must stick to it and keep myself motivated. Maybe I need to read my blog about motivation. Running is one activity I enjoy but only on certain days so this will be a bit challenging for me. I will stick to the plan and hope for the best. My long runs are scheduled for Fridays so wish me luck!

I am excited about running this race with my friend. I've run one 5k with friends since I have been here and so far it's been 2.5 years. I hope we have a good time and enjoy the run. May the training begin!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What do your cards read?

I went to a friend's birthday party this past Saturday evening and the women there were so awesome and full of positive energy. I only knew about four of the women and wished I had more time to spend with the others. One that I already knew, was talking to me about the "Cards". I thought it was some psychic ready but it wasn't. The cards that are used are regular playing cards and they correlate with the universe. Sound silly? Well it had my attention and made me think and wonder...what card is mine and how my life is played out. I began to ask the difference of the scientific thought process but yet the spiritual aspect of it as well. I do believe in a higher power i.e. God but how does the scientific part of it play into as well?

There are many questions I have and would like to do more research on this subject but in all, we are given choices in life and it's if we make the right ones or not. God has our path written out for us and it is up to us to follow that path. Maybe there are other avenues to help us guide ourselves into that right direction but whatever card or hand we are given, it is our duty through God to make those right decisions.

Friday, September 18, 2009


After training for months for triathlons; I now feel my balance is a bit off. Training for triathlons is a dedicated and thought out process months before the event. Once crossing that finish line, then at that moment all the hard work pays off and is well worth it. I have one or maybe two more sprint triathlons left this year and love the addiction and drive I have to want to complete these events closer to 1st place. I have come a long way; first triathlon ever was in New Mexico finishing in two hours and now my last triathlon was completed in an hour and sixteen minutes. I was ten seconds away from fourth place. I would be thrilled to death for a third place medal.

I'm trying new exercises such as; P90X, pole dancing (now that is fun and very interesting), racquetball and golfing. Not having a schedule of something to work towards is a bit unbalanced for me but I do enjoy all my new events.

Yoga is very important to me and that is where my true balance is. It helps me to focus on my body and what is happening to it. There is an awesome yoga studio in my neighborhood (Yoga 4 Ewa) that I would love to attend daily but my schedule does not allow me to. The owner has created a CD of a recorded class which I now have on my IPOD so I can do the class anytime of day. She is an awesome person and wonderful instructor. So where to find balance? YOGA!!!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Beautiful Bike Ride on the East Coast of Oahu

This is my favorite ride on the island. From the beginning of the ride, where I start and back is about a 40 mile ride. There is a bit of traffic along the way but once off the main road, the scenery is absolutley beautiful. I will miss this ride once I move in April 2010. Hawaii has some beautiful scenery but it is a challenge not to get hit by a vehicle. Just about everyone I know, knows of someone that has been hit by a car while on their road bike. This island is very crowded and sometimes people just don't pay attention. This does not stop me from getting on the bike and riding. You have got to live and enjoy life to it's fullest. I want no regrets when I'm older and look foward to many more awesome rides here in Hawaii before I depart!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

5,000 Calories

Wow, what an awesome week it has been. I've hiked, biked, hiked again, golfed, weight training, swimming and a little working! There is nothing more I love than to burn calories, well one other thing I love and that is my honey! The satisfaction I receive from a good workout is unexplainable.

Monday 8-3-09
I did a short 3 mile hike with a friend which led to beautiful swimming pools formed by the gorgeous waterfalls. The hike was Waimano Pool with an elevation gain of 700 feet and was suitable for novice and intermediate hikers. First of all, I would like to know who and how "they" decide who the hike are suitable for. In my opinion they are off at times but I'm guessing they want to be safe rather than sorry. Also, who gets that kind of job and hiking to find out elevation gain, type of hike etc. That would be an awesome job and I may have to look into something like that! The hike lead into the lush Waimano Valley and then ending at the two deep swimming pools which had ropes to swing from into the water. My favorite description of this hike reads this "On the return, take your time climbing "cardiac hill"". Calories burned 510!

Tuesday 8-4-09
I met a friend thinking we were going to play golf but the golf course didn't open until 1:00 so we decided to have coffee, breakfast and some chit chat. After that I met another friend at the gym where we worked our upper body, abs and did some cardio. Calories burned, 494. I then headed to pool and swam some laps which I haven't done in quite some time. Finally, around 2:00 I got a massage from a new therapist which his usual clients are boxers and fighters. I was a little nervous at first but we hit it off great and he did some awesome work. A massage is not relaxing for me because of all the "beating" I do to my body. I am trying to work on this by doing more stretching and hopefully more yoga! I need more time in the day, how do I get some?

Wednesday 8-5-09
Riding my road bike on the open road is great but riding along the North Shore in Hawaii is awesome. I met two of my girlfriends and we headed East starting from The Market in the North Shore and turned around just past Turtle Bay Resort. Heading out East was a bit challenging due to riding in the strong head wind but it makes for a great workout. We turned around at about 15 miles and headed back West towards the starting point. I was on fire and got up to 26 mph on a nice flat part. I stayed in the low twenties and felt so free and alive as long as the cars stayed on their side of the road! This is always a plus when riding your bike "in" traffic" and of course tons of tourist! We took at rest top looking over Waimea Bay and the water looked so calm and blue. In the winter months Waimea is usually pretty rough. We got back to our cars, placed the gear away and headed to Cholo's Mexican Restaurant. There is nothing better than Mexican food after a hot 30 mile bike ride! Calories burned, 1058!

Thursday 8-6-09
My two friends and I are eager for today with a 12 mile hike ahead of us. We meet at a coffee shop at 6:30 am for an early start and hit the trailhead by 6:45. We are all excited and ready for an adventure.....long adventure. Two of us had to be somewhere later that afternoon so we were hoping to see this faboulous summit. The hike we did or attempted was Manana. The book says it is a 12-mile round trip with 1,700 feet of elevation gain and suitable for novice, intermediate and experts. The first 2-3 miles were very easy and nice to follow but after that it seemed to get more narrow and a bit steeper. I enjoyed the ropes people had placed there to help you climb the steep parts. It was especially fun coming down. After 3.5 hours we had reached the 4 mile marker and were running out of time. We decided to turn around due to the fact we wouldn't make it to the summit and back in the time we had left. Towards the end the group grew tired and quiet. Maybe it was a good thing we didn't make it to the top although it would have been really cool. We finished at about 10 miles, 6.5 hours and 2,237 calories later. It was long but very fun and we saw stunning views of the Leeward side of the island.

Friday 8-7-09
Started the day off with an awesome golf game with a friend. I had my best game ever with two pars and a score of 43 (par 3 course with 9 holes). I celebrated with a flavored ice coffee from McDonalds. As on cloud nine I meet another friend at the gym where we did legs (if my legs could speak they would be telling me to sit the hell down already), upper back and a bit of cardio. We then headed to the pool where I could only punch out 500 yard. I was truly tired after burning 502 calories and ready to just soak up some sun. I finished this day off with a wonderful dinner at Outback with my sweetie! They have awesome burgers!

Saturday 8-8-09
Today was the easiest of them all! I coached a client at Ko Olina Lagoon and after her swim we went to my work where I taught a spining class (715 calories). I then met a friend at the movies and it was nice to just sit and relax!

Sunday 8-9-09
Celebrate my honey's Birthday! Happy Birthday sweets!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Where we are now!

When we were a little girl or boy we had dreams and visions of what kind of life we would have when we grew up. Funny thing, most of us if not all, are doing something totally opposite or something we thought we would never do. For example I knew I didn't want to live in Texas when I grew up, but wasn't quite sure how or when I would move on. I'm 34 now and have lived in 4 different states (Cali, Florida, New Mexico, and Hawaii) and I never thought I would be able to say that.

One saying that really gets me is "Got to keep up with the Jone's". This society we live in is so embedded in our head that both parents need to work so we can have the finest things like cars and a huge beautiful house. Along with that you need to pop our a couple children and live happily ever after. Who says this and is right?

The main reason why we end up where we are and who we meet is through the hands of God. He is our master planner and only he knows what we will accomplish in life. We tend to fight him at times because what we may think is good for us may not be. When in doubt pray to the Lord and ask him what he wants us to do, for all he is the one that gave us life!

We are all human and sometimes it is difficult to understand what we are suppose to be doing or how to do it. An example is being a military wife. It is very exciting by possibly traveling around the world, seeing new things and meeting new friends but on the down side spouses are left behind due to deployments, living far away from family and seeking new employment every 3-4 years. I truly believe this is one of the greatest test of marriage of becoming stronger or ending it forever. It is what we make of it and reflecting back on the values and morals we were taught as young children.

To everyone that is reading this please take a moment and think to yourself "how did I get here and how happy am I"? Happiness is within and only you can be happy with yourself before you can be happy with someone else. Life is short and you, your spouse or family member can be gone tomorrow so live for the moment and today!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


What gives us motivation? Is it the people around us, out inner drive or a task or goal that drives us to accomplishment? Everyone has motivation and is interesting what motivates each and everyone of us. Some have motivation in learning and stimulating their brain and other are motivated in health and fitness.

Ahhhh health and fitness, yes that would be me! I sit (yeah sometimes I just sit) and wonder why and how I have such a drive to want to exercise and stay healthy. Some think it is pure craziness and others encourage, I like both responses myself. First, I broke my back when I was 17 and wore a back brace for six months (well not all six months of course) and today it affects me a great deal. I can not sleep in a soft bed nor can I lie on a sofa for a couple of hours without having to get up and stretch it out. Staying active is a key component in keeping my back healthy and strong, for example, running is an awesome weight bearing exercise that keeps me from hurting or in pain. Second, I enjoy sports and trying new things. I don't necessarily want to be good at just one thing but experience many.

I guess I would have to say my motivation is staying out of pain, enjoying life and making my Mom proud of me. We are only here for a short period and there are sayings about live life, be strong, love one another. All of those are all so true! If sports don't motivate you then something does and only you know what that is. People all over the world are suffering from lack of food, missing limbs on their bodies etc. I could go on but I pray everyday that I have the ability to do what I enjoy each and everyday, not many can say that!

This message is to ask yourself what motivates you and why! Would love to hear your feedback!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Family visit to Houston June 23-July 7

Going back home for two weeks was a blast! I had purchased my tickets months before my departure date and was excited the day I booked that flight. When the day finally arrived I was a bit sad due to leaving Brian behind knowing I wouldn't see him for two weeks but excited about seeing the family!

I got into Houston on June 23rd and was greeted by my Mom, sister and two nieces. We headed to the resturant, Aquarium where we saw sharks, fish, sting rays and many fish while enjoying our lunch. After lunch we rode the train and a farris wheel which overlooked downtown Houston. The next day my friend, Rene came to visit me from Jacksonville and we enjoyed a day at the Galleria and lots of Mexican Food!

The first weekend i was there my family and I headed East to San Antonio. We stayed at The Hyatt Wild Oak Ranch Resort which had a lazy river, swimming pool and two waterslides. It was very hot and it was refreshing to cool off in the water! We ventured over to a drive through animal park where we got to feed all types of animals from our vehicle. Then headed to New Branfuels for a little shopping and some tasty lunch!

The second weekend was spent in Lake Palastine at my Uncle's Lake house and got to see a lot of family members. It was like a small family reunion. We swam in the lake, tubing pulled by the boat, fishing and tons of eating! It was an awesome time and was great spending time with the family.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Why do we need friends? Everyone has friends for most of the same reasons but some of us have them for different reasons. Friends come into our lives and can make such a great impact but sometimes we lose touch, why is that? Friends can be the root of happiness and are needed for so many important reasons. I normally come back to Houston and see my friends but this time it was a bit different. I got to see friends that I haven't seen almost since high school and it felt like we were hanging out just yesterday. How come that is? Society pushes everyone along so fast that we lose touch over so many years but yet the closness never fails. Some people have many friend and sad to say but some don't have any at all. I am truly blessed for the friends that have come, gone, stayed and that will remain in my life forever! Without friends, I would not be the person I am today! Thanks to all my friends, love you all!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Today is Relax Day!

After a full Saturday of Wakiki sun, cocktails, and great company I am enjoying chilling at the house. Normally in bed by 9:30-10:00, I proceeded to stay out last night until 1:00 am! The beach and sun were awesome which worked up an appetite for Margaritaville in Wakiki. Followed after dinner was Red Lion and some good ole' booty dancing with friends! If that wasn't enough, we headed to the kareoke bar at the Shore Bird and watched many talented people sing into the night. My favorite was the Elvis "look-alike"! Not being able to last much longer, my honey and I headed to our hotel room for a nice peaceful sleep!

So today we got up and enjoyed breakfast in Waikiki and then headed home! I took a two hour nap, which was a miracle! Getting ready for my trip to Houston tomorrow night!